Like most of the population, I enjoy living in the past. A safe space where the unexpected events of surprise bills, failing relationships and bad news has no hold on you. I like to think of December as a free pass for the year where you can retrospectively asses what has been great, what has been damn terrible, and to take a few days to steps back and plan your next move. Like wise in music, it’s a time to see what we were given to define this year, what we’ve enjoyed, what we could have done without and what we have to look forward to in 2015.
With that in mind, the pop punk scene has had a great year for new and existing music and should give hope to the sceptics and non believers. For example, 2014 saw brand new releases from bands like Such Gold, Transit, Real Friends, knuckle Puck, New Found Glory, Fireworks, Modern Baseball, I Am The Avalanche, Neck Deep and Taking Back Sunday. Not to mention the of rise in success of lesser known UK pop punk bands like Moose Blood, Gnarwolves, Boston Manor, Roam and Nathan Detroit to name a handful. Neck Deep, as polarising as they are have also had huge success this year and have undeniably paved a way for the UK Pop Punk scene to make it’s mark in the genre and on the market.
Digging our heels in to the landslide, here’s what we’ve really enjoyed this year.
Knuckle Puck – While I Stay Secluded
If somebody asked me what pop punk was and why I love it so much, THIS would be one of the records I’d introduce them to. Although a side-effect of the modern (more aggressive) cycle of pop punk, this record has perfect melodies constructed with infectious choruses that make you confused about whether you’re mad about an ex or ecstatic that you’re away from your ex!
Real Friends – Maybe Everything Has Stayed The Same And We’re Just Changing
It may not have been received with a ticker-tape parade, but this album is quietly brilliant. Contextually, a lot of the music in the genre (and others) deals with the struggles and obstacles of growing up and coming to terms with you own adulthood, however this is articulate, honest and delivered over some brilliant tracks.
Thief Club – My Heavy
Whilst the latest Hit The Lights album ‘Invicta’ may have been a little underwhelming, Lead singer Nick Thompson went away with a side project and came back with Thief Club. It’s everything you love about HTL from infectious guitar riffs and the poppiest of pop punk melodies to the way you’ll have the choruses stuck in your head for days. There’s also guest appearances from Cartel’s Will Pugh and Valencia’s Shane Henderson to tick the remaining boxes for an all round record. This album may have flown under the radar but one of those records that will make you feel like it’s summer no matter what month it is
2014 also saw a return to form by New Found Glory who have once again proved that they can still release consistent and quality work, and after a successful UK tour with State Champs and The Story So Far, have quantified that they can still kill it live.
Speaking of returns, grungy fan favourites Basement came off their ‘hiatus’ to do a tour in the Autumn of this year, announcing in their Leeds date “we decided to stop being silly and get back together”. They have a couple of new tracks worked out which would hopefully indicate a new album in the pipeline…Please, lads. Please?!
The alarm must have gone off on Jesse Lacey’s tri-annially alarm clock as Brand New decided it was about time they stepped onto our shores again, in tow bringing ’emo’ kings Saves The Day. Through all the bluster, bravado and self importance that can emanate from Brand New, their shows were ridiculously tight, mixing their set-lists on each date to play a large selection from their back catalogue. This under-linined that they are one of the modern day greats of mixed genre, musically sound artists still touring.
Brand New also took the headline set for this years Hit The Deck festival in Nottingham which was one of the most enjoyable festivals of the year. Included amongst the artists playing were Seahaven, Verses, Neck Deep, Memphis May Fire, Hands Like Houses, Hawthorne Heights, The Blackout, Gnarwolves, The Summer Set and Kris Roe of The Ataris. This festival, spread out in short proximity
over Nottingham City Centre has a little something for everyone and some of the best venues in the country for you to enjoy them in, not to mention bumping to Kev from American Pie at an afterparty (who is launching a music career apparently). Look out for this festival next year for some healthy competition for Slam Dunk.
This year has had some pretty great music released and some even better tours, let’s not forget we had The Wonder Years come over with State Champs and A Loss For Words and I Am The Avalanche tour Wolverines with Turnover and The Major League. We want to know what your highlights of 2014 have been, what was your favourite record, favourite festival, favourite gig or even the best merch you bought. What has made this year a great year in pop punk for you?
By Matt Henson
The Pop Punk Days