They said it would never happen…. but for the first time since 1983, Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only will perform on stage together at Riot Fest!
Alongside Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein, this will be Misfits performing as their (mostly) original line up for the first time in decades.
Over the years Misfits have performed in various combinations, with Jerry Only as the only continuing member. With their brand of horror punk and instantly recognisable logo, Misfits are justifiably considered as one of the most influential punk bands of all time.
Credited with founding the band, Danzig eventually departed in 1983 under acrimonious circumstances. What followed was years of legal dispute over royalties and a clear stance from both sides that they would never perform together again. Some years after Danzig’s departure, Misfits released arguably their best album with frontman Michale Graves in “Famous Monsters”.
Whether Misfits were at their best under Danzig or Graves is a debate for another day – we’re just excited to see him back!
WE ARE 138!