The Opening Statement
Well we’ve given it a little time to play out and by now you’re all probably aware of the video of Parker Cannon from The Story So Far kicking a young girl off stage for taking a selfie. At the Pop Punk Days, we normally report news with neutrality but some things need to be explicitly outlined.
Violence towards anyone, particularly at a show is unacceptable in any form. Full Stop. I’m sure many of you have been in a pit that may have gotten a little heavy handed, but the community amongst kids and passion for music is what separates it from turning into a brawl. That is something as a scene we can be proud of.
I personally hope Parker Cannon is extremely remorseful for his actions, as The Story So Far are one of the flag bearers for Pop Punk and this incident has brought a black cloud and divided the community over something we all look to, to give us happiness, hope and a sense of belonging.
I don’t want to dwell on the action for too long or give It credence, as the majority will agree it was an unnecessary act that cannot and should not be justified. Instead, I want to focus on the cause of the problem, the stage selfie.
The Witness
One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that taking a selfie on stage is largely very irritating. In 2016 I’m sure everyone is guilty of taking a vanity shot at some point, but is it acceptable when it impedes someone trying to do their job?
The Prosecution
Many stages have limited space so if a band trusts it’s audience to invite them on stage to be a part of the show, is it selfish to obstruct the view of the audience and get in the way of the band performing, potentially risking injury?
The Defense
If a paying fan has been invited on stage, how much harm are they doing to take a photo with a band they love?
Your Thoughts
Tell us what you think about this matter, whether it’s harmless fun or perhaps there should be some kind of etiquette if you’re going to get on stage during a performance. Remember, we’re not talking about Cannon kicking the girl, we want to know your thoughts on stage selfies. Let us know in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.
Stay Safe! Stay Smart! Stay Young And Live Forever!
Words: Matt Henson