No sooner have we all been blessed with the news that Panic At The Disco are headlining this years Slam Dunk Festival, the band themselves have just achieved their very first number one billboard album with new record “Death of a Bachelor”
Previously, the once darlings of the scene, had only managed to reach number 2 with their albums “Pretty Odd” and “Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die”, so landing number 1 on the Billboard 200 on its week of release is a huge landmark for Brendan Urie et al. The new record signifies their fifth studio album and comes ten years after their début breakthrough album “A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out”. It only seems like yesterday the band that looked like a cross between a dead poets appreciation band with eye liner, were rattling burlesque addled tunes out of your Ipod. Now, with significant line up changes and a few changes in sound have now paid dividends, and we couldn’t be happier for them.
This is big news for Slam Dunk as it’s not every year a band with such huge commercial success is booked, so take advantage of this huge opportunity, and watch how Panic at The Disco make OUR big festival a little bit bigger.
Congratulations, lads! You deserve it