We have been following this project since it first emerged and have been waiting for their release ever since. Today is the day Unsigned Does release their first compilation of Unsigned bands covering blink 182 songs. You can listen to the playlist of tracks below after the interview.
We caught up with Alex Hale from the project and asked him a few questions:
So Alex, tell us how the project started
We decided to do this, off the back of a similar projects one of which is label funded and the other was backed by a popular rock editorial. We wanted to show what unsigned talent was out there and give some unsigned and relatively unknown artists some well deserved exposure. In early 2014 this idea was attempted by someone else and unfortunately it fell through so when we decided to take it on we weren’t really sure what was going to happen, we kind of just hoped it would work out. Now it’s all come together, it really highlights the there is some genuinely talented people out there, who deserve an opportunity to show what they are capable of. I think Blink-182 are probably one of the biggest if not, the biggest contributor(s) to the “Pop-Punk” genre today and with most music in recent years being fabricated, rarely do you get bands picked from the streets as it were, that go on to be globally recognised for their music. Blink have done exactly that so it seemed fitting to start our run of tribute albums with them. It is encouraging to see that bands with a serious talent and capability are increasingly becoming contenders in mainstream music against label fabricated groups etc so even if our project only helps ever so slightly we would consider it a success.
How can people listen to this great project?
We are currently releasing the songs through our Unsigned Does Youtube page as a dedicated playlist. We are exploring other platforms but we have potentially got some legalities we need to clarify first before we proceed with them, we don’t want to tread on anyones toes.
What’s next in the pipeline for ‘Unsigned Does’?
Now that our Blink-182 tribute album is released we will allow it time to serve it’s purpose and shortly be planning our next one. We are’t sure who the next album will be saluting, that’s for the bands to decide but we have every confidence it will be just as awesome as this one if not more so!
How can unsigned bands get involved in future projects?
If there are any unsigned bands that want a chance to be a part of future tribute albums then all they need to do is “Like” our page and drop us a email or private message via Facebook.
Head over to their facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/UnsignedDoes