Like us, you’re probably shitting yourself with excitement now the Blink 182 tour is underway! I’ve had tickets to the Birmingham show on my shelf for months, teasing me…its ALMOST time to use them….
There’s no Tom and I’m not going to pretend that I’m not bummed about that (sorry), but Skiba is certainly a strong replacement. Is that tonge-in-cheek Blink spirit still alive & well? I hope so.
As always, leading up to a big show, the discography revision starts & with it, repeated moments of “FUCK! I forgot about this one!”
With that feeling in mind, here is a Blink 182 top 10 consisting of those songs you probably forgot about. We all know Rock Show, What’s My Age Again? and First Date; so let’s remind us of other tracks well worthy of mention. In no particular order…
(To limit this to 10 was a near impossible task, please be gentle in the comments…!)
Wendy Clear – Enema Of The State
Apple Shampoo – Dude Ranch
Asthenia – Self Titled
Online Songs – Take Off Your Pants & Jacket
Aliens Exist – Enema Of The State
Cynical – California
Natives – Neighbourhoods
Sometimes – Cheshire Cat
Going Away To College – Enema Of The State